
I want to fade away
with the morning mists
to never come back again
I want to float out into the ocean
and let the tide take me away
from shore, from everyone

I am meant to be alone

I want to melt away in non-existence
and be part of nothing
I want to dissolve into think air
and not leave a trace
not even a memory of my face

I want to become lost
like the things people forget with time
I want to be with the clouds
and be blown away by the wind

I want to be a solitary tear
fall in silence
and be no more

~ Summer 1998



Why can’t I remember the way you smelled

the way you felt, the things you said

the day that grandpa died

When you held me to you

The only hug I can salvage from my past?


Why can’t I remember what you said the first day of kindergarten

When I slapped the teacher’s face

and squirmed out of her arms

Like a bar of wailing, wet soap slipping down the street ?


Why don’t I know how you felt those many years I left you longing for your son

In the silent house, that empty room,

With your restless maternal hands

Grasping at the ghosts in my room?


Why can’t I remember what you said that final Sunday

When your voice scratched across the miles

A phone line heavy with forgotten words

In a moment that will never be again?


Why can’t I remember?

Alphabet Poetry Series: “J is for Jailbird”

Laughter fills this place
little feet running
to and fro
screams of delight
impromptu dancing
in the living room
vrrroooming cars
giggles over silliness
read alouds
piano practice
laughter fills this place
but I am just a jailbird
looking past
vertical shadows
of chains
I fly but
crash my wings
I can only listen
as I perch
on the swing
on the beam
on the water bowl
and look forward
to someday
I can leave
for the skies.

Please join me today -and every Wednesday – for Poetry Corner.  Link up any (old or new) poem you think we would all enjoy. Tag #PoetryCorner for your tweets so I won’t miss your post and I can retweet it too!

Alphabet Poetry Series: “H is for Heritage”

(Warning: Graphic images after the poem.)

no more dolphins
no more whales
no more eagles
only tales

no more trees
no more fresh air
no more fresh water
only litter

no more babies
no more daughters
no more prayers
only haters

this is the heritage
we leave behind
I’m so very sad
for humankind

Dolphins killed in Brazil.

Indonesia’s deforestation.

Forced abortion in China.

Forced abortion at 7 months. (China)