Alphabet Poetry Series: “E is for E-Mail”

It used to be so gratifying
to hear that ding
I always had the volume up
so I wouldn’t miss a thing

“Ding! You’ve got mail!”

I felt so important
that someone sent me an email
I’d rush to my computer
like it was the Holy Grail

“Ding! You’ve got mail!”

After school it was
the first thing I’d go see
The sound of the modem connecting
was happy music to me

(Notification sound)

Now there’s only a sound
and it happens every minute
I’ve learned to wait a while
and choose to ignore it

(Notification sound)

I’m not that important
just a bunch of junk mail
I miss the days when people
used to use Postal Mail



I wait for my turn…
as I hear my brothers shout before me
to proclaim a new beginning
to light a new way
When my turn comes
I will burst forth from these walls
I will scream the loudest of all
and everyone will love me the most
They will ooh and ahh
and clap for me
I will be in pictures and forevermore
My blast will be felt by the smallest child
And I will make everyone happy
I am a firework
It is my turn…






New Arrival

I’m so very late for the party. Poetry Challenge 2013 is 10 days well under way, and here I am with the first one. Oh well. Better late than never. (Who said that anyway?)


appointments dropped
a whole week cleared
shifts rescheduled
sick days redeemed
food delivered
Starbucks made more dough
neither cops nor rain
couldn’t make them go
fights broke out
pushed and shoved
just for the new arrival
of the iPhone that they loved

{ 2013 Poem-A-Day Challenge:  Day #1 }


There’s a different sort of feeling
you get when riding a bike
an unreproducible feeling
that seems to like
to take hold of your soul
in order to free it
from being stuck on the soil
full of garbage and dirt
No, those two wheels of gold
can fly far away
where the clouds grow old
and it’s always day
the wind feels chilly
and a little bit sweet
and you can be silly
and pedal at a leisurely beat.