Alphabet Poetry Series: “G is for Gloss”

Lilet Poster White_site_905

she had a tendency to do that
in order to survive
not have to face the pain
to lose again

important matters brushed aside
what’s important anyway?
stuff happens no matter what
she hasn’t got time for that

it’s a talent, really
glossing over everything
invincible to consequence
at her children’s expense

someone has to reap
whatever she sows
even though her selfishness
has a gloss of loveliness

poor children
dear children
“trying to gloss away
the irrationalities
of the universe”

{Quote by Irwin Edman.}

The film “Lilet Never Happened” is a character driven story about Lilet, a maladjusted Filipino street-girl, struggling to survive on the streets of Manila. International social worker Claire tries to safe her but this hard headed, traumatized girl thinks she can take her life in her own hands. Though Lilet gets many opportunities to quit, she stubbornly chooses the hard way. The film is based on interviews with Lilet, a little girl, who became Manila’s most famous child prostitute.


It’s been a long hiatus, but I’m back.  Slow to start, but at least I started.

I’ve decided to have a theme for this year’s poem-a-day challenge.  It’s going to be Orphans and Street Children. I’m not quite sure yet why, but I feel inspired to do so.

So get your tissues out.  I suspect that this month’s poetry, at least here, will be quite a tear jerker.

Day 1 of the 2013 November PAD Chapbook Challenge

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Photo Credit:


Outside –
laughing, giggling
skipping with joy
playing with other
little girls and boys

Inside –
crying, praying
dying in sorrow
trying to live
for another tomorrow

Outside –
dirty, smelly
sick with hunger
waiting for rain
to take a shower

Inside –
wishing, hoping
thinking most of
their yearning for
parents to love



Dedicated to my 3 beautiful kids!


I waited so long to see you
and imagined your beautiful
face a million times plus one

I went through numerous lists
to find out what to call you
when the waiting’s finally done

I thought of a thousand things
that could go wrong
and keep us apart forever

I dreamnt a hundred dreams
where we danced
and sung lullabyes ever after

I labored to bring you into this world
so I could hold you dear

You gave me strength to push on
and persevere

Then we met
and the universe cheered…

Workplace Adversity

Sometimes I feel like I have the hardest job in the world!  However, the good news is that I’m not alone.  Apparently, there’s a boatload of others floating in the same sea with me!

Workplace Adversity

Some days I get no respect
And my words go unheard
No one gives me praises
And my requests are oft thought absurd

I can’t claim any sick days
I get no paycheck bonuses
I make my own coffee
And wash everyone’s dishes

I’m on call 24/7
And I can’t even pee
Without someone looking
Or calling for me

My job is to stay at home
My boss is my family
Although the work is very hard
Nowhere else I’d rather be

I get paid with hugs and kisses
I hear laughter all day
I know I make a difference here
Would I quit this job? No way!